Monday, November 5, 2007

Behind the Music, Cycle 1: The Prince of Pentecula

Originally Published December, 2006

“The Prince of Pentecula”


1.) "Chocolate" by Snow Patrol
2.) "Burning" by The Whitest Boy Alive
3.) "Remind Me" by Royksopp
4.) "Pulling our Weight" by The Radio Dept.
5.) "Sweet Sweet Heartkiller" by Say Hi to your Mom
6.) "Love is an Arrow" by Aberfeldy
7.) "Spectacle" by Sean Lennon
8.) "Sympathy" (Acoustic) by Goo Goo Dolls
9.) "Take a Picture" (TPOP *foundation track*) by Filter
10.) "Young Folks" by Peter, Bjorn and John
11.) "No One Else" by Natalie Walker
12.) "Would I Be the One" by Sean Lennon
13.) "Fools Rush In" by Bow Wow Wow
14.) "Right Here" by Natalie Walker
15.) "The Soundtrack of your Life" by A Girl Called Eddy
16.) "Square One" by Tom Petty
17.) "The Frog Prince" by Keane
18.) "Transatlanticism" (TPOP *secret bonus track*) by Death Cab for Cutie

The title for this compilation came to me unexpectedly on a day when I wasn’t really thinking about or doing anything creative; literally came out of nowhere, as do many things originating from the Divine.

As the CD started coming together, I realized that I was actually creating a story about a young man ironically lost on an already formed path. The Pentecula collection was to be the soundtrack to this coming-of-age tale, a movie that I hope to, one day, produce (with Orlando Bloom starring as my leading man—no, really). =-)

The songs reflect the prince’s journey, a realization that harkens to the necessity of self-awareness and finishes with a most paradoxical ending.

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